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Nuria Conangla cello music violoncel.jpg

"Do what you are passionate about, give yourself, live and get excited"

I would define myself as a versatile and multi-instrumentalist artist. A cellist since I was very young, I have opened my musical passion to other fields such as composing and producing soundtracks and my own songs. I play different instruments and musical styles.

I give my best in everything I do because music is what fills my life!

"Això no és una cançó" a TV3

Durant sis episodis, "Això no és una cançó" descobrirà tot el que signifiquen temes musicals que han marcat pares i fills. Amb títols icònics que han tingut un gran impacte en la societat, que són molt més que una cançó: himnes, vivències, emocions i records. Descobreix-ne tots els detalls aquí.

Col·laboracions a la televisió!

"De tu a tu" soundtrack

"De tu a tu", a commercial by the Catalan producer Fina Films about a series of documentaries that will be uploaded on the L'Aixeta platform.

I had the pleasure of composing, producing and recording the soundtrack for this spot.

I hope you enjoy it!

Listen to me on Spotify!

Nuria Conangla SPOTIFY.png

"De tu a tu" soundtrack

"De tu a tu", a commercial by the Catalan producer Fina Films about a series of documentaries that will be uploaded on the L'Aixeta platform.

I had the pleasure of composing, producing and recording the soundtrack for this spot.

I hope you enjoy it!



Composing, arranging and producing music is one of my passions. Soundtracks for videos, own songs, classical music, versions of well-known songs ...



I love recording video clips and covers ! Also, with many of the projects I'm part of, we've recorded a lot of material that you can check out at this link!


Apart from having my own project " Núria Conangla ", I am part of different groups and various musical proposals!

Bach Suites

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